Our Impact

Our Impact.

Our impact lies in enriching communities with knowledge, skills and access to farming tools and seeds. We trained communities appy what they have learnt then our impact is realized.

We collect baseline data from all our target participants and we use that data to measure our program impact.

At the glance

  • 500+ households have established backyard gardens and are able to feed on nutritious meals and take care of the earth using the acquired agroecology principle.
  • 3255 community people trained in agroecological practices and principles.
  • 25,968 indigenous trees planted and growing
  • 2 Acres of permaculture field installed as a training demonstration site.
  • 109 expectant mother referred for malnutrition treatment
  • 100+ children below 5 years on therapeutic nutrition diets
  • Two tapes were installed serving approximately 250 households.
  • 5 Schools have established backyard gardens to feed learners and teachers on nutritious meals.
  • 1050 Learners trained in agroecology and nutrition