Our Approach

We implement projects depending on the community needs of the people from the needs assessments we carry out before practical implementation of the projects. Our beneficiaries are then engaged in project designing and practical sessions during the implementation to enable them own it and work towards having it positively impact them. With belief that everyone has the power to direct their destiny with the right mindset and actions and drive their future in a positive way, we emphasize real time results since our community led approach provides community led solutions building self-esteem and confidence in projects we indulge in.

We intensify our community transformative strategy through engaging and working with the Kasese district agricultural department to reach our beneficiary farmers to work hand in hand to provide extension support and also provide relevant agricultural information to communities.


How we identify our beneficiaries

Through our community led approach, we carry out community needs assessments that help us identify the categories of people we work with on different projects. Our stakeholder engagements before and during project implementation also helps us identify target beneficiaries that are directly involved in our projects. These beneficiaries are engaged in project designing and practical implementation sessions so as to achieve real impact from them.